John John Johnston Johnston

Today’s Daily Create jogged a memory.

So here’s my adaptation of Disobedience by A. A. Milne

John John Johnston Johnston Weatherby George DuPree
Took great care of his DS106 socks though he had only three
John John said to his friends:
“Friends,” he said, said he,
“You must never go out in my DS106 socks,
Coz they belong to me.
Don’t ever go out in my DS106 socks,
Coz they belong to me.”

But John John Johnston’s friends put on his DS106 socks.
John John Johnston’s friends spotted a crazy fox.
John John Johnston’s friends
All said “Fiddle de dee,
We can go out in John John’s socks
And be back in time for tea.
We can go out in John John’s socks
And be back in time for tea.”
King John put up a notice: “Lost, stolen or strayed,
John John Johnston’s socks,
Seem to have been mislaid
Friends went wandering vaguely of their own accord
They went out wearing John John’s socks–
Forty shillings reward.
They went out wearing John John’s socks–
Forty shillings reward.

John John Johnston Johnston, commonly known as “John”
Said to his other relations not to go blaming him
For John John said to his friends
“Friends”, he said, said he
“Don’t ever go wearing my DS106 socks,
Coz they belong to me.
“Don’t ever go wearing my DS106 socks,
Coz they belong to me.”

Now John John Johnston’s socks,
Haven’t been heard of since,
King John sent down to give his regrets,
And so did the queen and the prince,
King John, somebody told me,
Said to a man he knew,
“If people will wear DS106 socks
Well what can anyone do?
If people will wear DS106 socks,
Well what can anyone do?”

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