Submit your blog to the hub, they said. So I tried. I didn’t read it properly, coz this blog is a WordPress blog, but it’s self hosted, so the instructions for adding a WP blog are probably not for me. So this morning I realised I’d need to remember how to find the RSS feed, and that though I’d done it for #rhizo15 to add my blog to Laura’s Inoreader, I’d forgotten how to do it. I’m bound to need to do this again, so I’m sharing it with myself here so that future me can find it. Well, assuming that future me remembers that past me did this for her…
Yet again, looking at this through a rhizoANT lens, the technology is a major player in my world. Today it jumped up and reminded me not to take it for granted – it demanded that I concentrate on IT and IT ALONE. I am sure that, as #CLMOOC progresses, I am going to have a lot more experiences like this. As a colleague once said, using most tech is not as easy as buying an item from Amazon. Erm, quite – and we can reflect on why that might be!
It is through struggle (and loss of memory?) that we learn and remember. I think. I can’t remember. I find it hilarious (sorry) that you need to write a blog post to yourself to remember in the future how to do something you did in the past at your blog. Where’s the ukelele soundtrack?
Good point – maybe the soundtrack should be my first make …
Don’t forget Alan Levine’s rule: if it takes more than 20 minutes to figure it out, ask someone for help. This is a very hard lesson for me, the boneheaded one, but I have learned it. If you get to the point where you need a hand up, I suggest that you talk to Karen Fasimpaur, @kfasimpaur, or if you want me to help, I was on the original crew that helped set up the CLMOOC WP blog. Of course, learning for yourself is the best recourse. And please write this up on your blog and share it with your future self and our future self. Best of luck with that soundtrack.
That’s a good rule. I’ll remember that – and thank you, friend, for the offer of help. I’m sure I’ll be needing it.
I’m with you! It is ironic that my first career was in information technology (back in the dinosaur days!). It took me FAR too long to figure out how to (properly) pin me and my meme to the #CLMOOC map yesterday, especially since I’ve pinned to other maps in the past (including the CLMOOC map last year)!
That map – grrr – folk keep removing my fish 🙁
This has a soundtrack too:
Positive Force: More Than a Witness: 30 Years of Punk Politics in Action (DVD)