I don’t know how it started, but somehow Terry promoted Susan and me to Vice President and President of all the things. I was already making Susan a hat, so I told her she’d get a badge as well. Here is – a klein bottle hat made from remnants of aran yarn left over from jumpers and cardigans I’ve made.
With added felt badge pinned on
BTW, the VP of All Things reminds me of the old Howard Stern nod to his work as “the King of All Media.”
Thank you. Thanks for that reference – I had not heard that before.
Truly amazing! I just watched the first five minutes of https://youtu.be/LVnTda7F2V4 Möbius Knitting, and I think I’m going to get hooked… I’ve never seen a convincing attempt to represent a Klein bottle in the 3D world before, and I’m hoping the real life version will live up to its image.
I’ve long wanted to do a series of thread-linked museum/gallery/community center events/exhibits on all sorts of fiber, and what people do with them, mainly to link my string game work with the broader revival of interest in fiber arts. And to link string games to topological math and expand folks’ limited view of math as only numeracy, to appreciate its linguistic beauty, how it provides us with the vocabulary to speak interestingly about the physical world.
Many thanks!
I’ve used that cast on to make a couple of Möbius scarves, which are fun to do. I think I need to do a version of the Klein bottle with a bigger tube so it is easier to pull through. And now I want to know more about your string game!
I love this sort of maths – it’s beautiful as well as being mind bending. I’ve also made a few Pi shawls and am planning to do something like this with a Fibonachi sequence as well.
I also love things like this: https://botanicamathematica.wordpress.com/2014/04/01/fibonacci-tree/
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