Today’s #clmooc challenge is to take something done in one media and convert it to another. My first attempt uses one of the poems written for Sheri’s challenge.
First I copied and pasted the text of one of them into Visual Poetry. Then I used that to draw an image. I’m not great at drawing, especially when using a mouse with my right hand (I’m left handed, but always use a mouse in my right hand, for reasons).
The image on the left is the result. I couldn’t work out how to save it, so I took a screen shot and edited in Paint. Such skilz 😛
Think you can do better? Show me what you can do!
Nah, can’t do better. Love ya skilz!
Lol, I know you could!
Reminds me of a musical note!
It’s a bad treble clef. I doodle it all the time on paper.
Copy and paste and screen shots are my favorite tools. Great job!
I can sing
Play at life
I can sing
So you can 🙂