Collaborative annotating

Heart doodleI’m in love with, a free online annotation tool which allows you to easily highlight bits of text and comment on them, and then to share those comments publicly if you wish so that others can see them and join in the conversation. To use it, either drop a link to a web page into their web page or download the Chrome extension (I prefer this).  Yesterday I annotated one of Terry’s blog posts and tweeted for others to join in, and at the moment we’re also annotating some of Simon’s including this.

It’s fun to do this, and to have an asynchronous conversation with friends, and it’s a lot more intimate than leaving a comment at the bottom of a blog post (and sometimes that is not even possible, as some folk turn the comments off). Come and join in, if you like, or tweet me a link to something you’d like to annotate. 🙂

flickr photo by findingthenow shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC-SA) license

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6 Responses to Collaborative annotating

  1. tellio says:

    Love how you differentiate between bottom comments and side annotations. They do have a different feel. Thanks for dropping by to annotate. I wish there was a way for the annotee to know when the annotator is doing her or his thing. Maybe there is and I don’t know what. has the least friction and the most traction of any social annotation tool (altho I still Diigo and Zotero religiously).

  2. I’m just learning it. And teaching it to my students as I go. It’s a potentially powerful research tool as well.

  3. Tania Sheko says:

    I can imagine how much more fun it would be to annotate together in Hopefully I can find some time to jump into some of these things. Not sure why but so far this year I haven’t been able to do that with work. This must change! I miss the interaction.

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