This week we’re staying in a wee cottage on Mull, so yesterday we drove up through Glencoe and up to Lochaline to get the wee ferry across. Niall was frustrated throughout the journey with painfully slow (and erratic) drivers, and we were disappointed to realise that we’d missed a ferry by a matter of minutes and had an hour to wait for the next one. Then Niall spotted a heron hanging around by the jetty, and we both got out our cameras.
This morning I woke up to a dreich day, but what a view!
It rained on and off all day today – Niall watched the Grand Prix and I lay on a sofa knitting and watching TV (highlight – Wee Eck saying he was going to impeach Blair over Iraq – go Salmond!). Around 4ish it cleared up outside sufficiently for us to venture out for a walk. As we walked up a single track road in the drizzle N commented that all the wildlife was hiding from us. We heard a crash from our left and there was a red deer standing in the bracken – which stayed just until we got out our cameras. Blast. Luckily the flora was more accommodating. I noticed a lot of wild orchids nestling in the grass:
And lots of all heal hiding underfoot:
We stopped and looked at the view on this bridge:
On the way home I looked out over the shores and spotted these waders in the distance – either curlews or whimbrels, I think. This pic is with my camera at full zoom, and I am quite pleased with the result as they were barely visible to the naked eye:
And then home, after an hour’s wander around: