A cloudy holiday Monday makes a perfect opportunity to play around a bit more with Lumen 5 – and today’s Daily Create is ideal. I love Rose Elliot’s recipes – I’ve been using them since my granny gave me a copy of her Complete Vegetarian Cookbook a long, long time ago, and over the years I’ve adapted quite a few of her recipes to suit my taste.
Coincidentally, as I was drinking my morning cup of tea today, I read an article in the Guardian saying that recipes should be guidelines, not rules (I paraphrase). Yup. Likewise with teaching (this for a future post). This recipe has had a few changes from the original. Niall and I hate celery, and I wouldn’t bother buying it just for this soup, so I miss it out from my version. Rose Elliot adds the tomatoes at the same time as the stock, I add mine once the lentils are cooked. Rose blitzes her version, I leave mine chunky and add a little parsley at the end. Is it my recipe or hers? Metaphysical questions about authorship and ownership are hovering at the edge of everything I do at the moment.
I found a version of Rose’s recipe and used that as the starting point of my video, dropping it into Lumen 5 and changing the images to ones I preferred. As I was doing this I was getting hungry, and I knew I had to make this soup for today’s lunch, so I didn’t take too long over this. I chose some music to go with it, hit “publish”, and went to prepare lunch as it rendered (it was nearly 12pm by now). As the soup was cooking I took a couple of photos, like the thumbnail for this video, and the image at the top of this post.
After lunch I downloaded the video from Lumen 5 and uploaded it to YouTube, then grabbed the embed code to add it here. Easy. As ever, once it’s done I can think of ways I’d improve it, but I love the simplicity of this tool – it makes this process easy, if not perfect.