I’ve stalled. With just under five months till I submit my completed thesis I have run out of steam. I have no time to waste, and so I waste time. I know all of the advice – I have given it many times, but still I pause. My bookshelves are tidied, my yarn is sorted, my fridge is clean.
I still feel that I need to give myself permission to write. I’m framing my thesis as an auto-ethnography because that feels right – it feels authentic – but I still struggle to justify my approach. Maybe I worry that it is not rigorous enough – maybe my background in anglo-analytic philosophy has trained me to privilege an argumentative style over the explanatory … Maybe I need to channel my inner philosopher (note to self: do not channel your inner Deleuze).
Whatever, the time has come. I remind myself of one of my favourite quotes:
“Fool,” said my muse to me. “Look in thy heart and write.”
Wish me luck …
I find that I just have to let stuff distill and be quiet.
After it splurges.
Have faith. It will be come.
Looking at your structure sheets I wonder if you have linearized your stuff too early? Perhaps it helps if you drop your ideas on a map like my Condensr.de
Thank you – I was wondering yesterday about using Trello, but this looks like a more rhizomatic approach.
Thinking of you … sending inspirational thoughts …
Go forth and conquer! Good luck.
I completely understand. And I am completely certain that you got this. Lemme know if there’s anything I can do….
As the yarn curls comfortingly around the needle / loop after loop / it does not know the garment it will make / but the maker knows / but can not see it. Loop after loop after loop / sometimes an increase / or colour change is required / the patter talks / or let the yarn talk / let the fibre say how long or how wide / loop after loop / until it is done.