Were were you six years ago? When I asked myself that question earlier this week I realised that I was participating in the first week of rhizo14
So much has happened since then – so much that I don’t know where to start. I tried to remember who I met for the first time then and put tagged some people in a tweet:
Kevin suggested that we all write something to mark the occasion:
So here’s an open invitation – to anyone who wants – let’s have a rhizo reunion. Let us know what you’ve done since rhizo14, or 15, or whenever it was that you first encountered this networked learning that we do. Tag it #rhizo, if you like, and share it with us.
Image is a Gephi graph of #rhizo14
My doctoral thesis which I defended in September 2017 and published in October 2017 was and is grounded in rhizome theory, organizational storytelling, and social networking focusing on the ways an inter-professional team adapts while working together. My wish is to use my learning, discoveries, and outcomes to develop a leadership learning experience and to drop deeper into writing. #rhizo14
Congratulations Renee on exploring organizational storytelling and social networking as tangible human activities. Organizations I deal with seem fragile and vulnerable to their unawareness that what they represent is more an internal illusion based on agreeing among themselves than an actual indicator of performance. An allegiance to stability and a false sense of Right-Thinking over responsiveness? Can Rhizomatic Thinking temper this?