I can rarely find a bookmark when I want one – I use scraps of paper, post it notes, whatever I have to hand. I remember trips to bookshops as a child, the thrill of a book token for Xmas or a birthday, swapping the token for a stack of new books, picking up a handful of free bookmarks at the till. Now I buy most of my books online, of course. But sometimes I take a book from my shelf and find a real book mark inside it – like this one, made for me by Algot:

So here’s my latest project – a series of bookmarks doodled in odd moments – some from daily doodle prompts, others just because. Now I am addressing envelopes and awaiting postage stamps so I can send them around the world.
Cool. I love bookmarks (and also find myself rediscovering the one that Algot made for me a few years back)
I like electronic bookmarks, too. I came here thinking this was going to be a post on some online links you saved for the week. This is cool, too.