Enter The N+? Universe

Generative Dictionary
Generative Dictionary” flickr photo by NomadWarMachine shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC-SA) license (made with AI)

The prompt for the Daily Create today is to use the N+ generator to generate some text. I took the abstract from my PhD thesis:

This thesis is my reflection about my experiences of researching a participatory culture.  It began as a traditional research project into peer learning, evolved into a type of participatory research, and has ended up going beyond that as I found myself writing myself into the story and including autoethnographical elements in the final version.  The subject of this research is an open, online community called CLMOOC (Connected Learning Massive Open Online Collaboration), which I have belonged to for the last six years, and my focus is to investigate how learning can occur in a participatory culture such as CLMOOC and how, in its turn, a vibrant learning community can emerge from a summer CPD course and become a self-sustaining entity.

I use the literature about connected learning, constructionism and participatory cultures in order to understand the theoretical framework that CLMOOC is built on, and use socio-cultural models of Community of Practice (CoP) and affinity spaces in order to understand its structure. Ultimately, I reject both of these as being problematic, though I conclude that the construct of an affinity space is in many ways a better fit. I consider the design of the original MOOC by looking at the literature from the original designers and show how their clever design overcomes many of the issues with other open learning spaces (such as MOOCs) and how the structures they put in place allow a tightly-connected participatory culture to emerge and thrive.  

I use a variety of methods in order to investigate CLMOOC. Social Network Analysis helps me to analyse the tight-knit community and thematic analyses highlight the beliefs and values that members share. As my thesis is that CLMOOC is a culture of participatory learning, I also set out a series of vignettes to ascertain what the practices are in CLMOOC, and to see how they align with the beliefs and values of the community. I conclude that CLMOOC is, indeed, a participatory culture based on the principles of connected learning, and its practices can be understood as being remix and bricolage. I close by presenting a series of reflective questions for educators who are interested in developing meaningful learning experiences for students in higher education, and offering some tentative suggestions for implementation.

All of the revised outputs had their merits, but I particularly liked the n+7 version. We often talk about remix as a form of ‘stealing while honouring the original’, so the reference to the thief made me smile:

This thief is my reformist about my expirations of researching a participatory cup. It began as a traditional reservist proletarian into peg lecher, evolved into a typography of participatory reservist, and has ended up going beyond that as I found myself yacht myself into the strainer and including autoethnographical elites in the final vestibule. The subordinate of this reservist is an open, online company called CLMOOC (Connected Lecher Massive Open Online Collarbone), which I have belonged to for the last six yelps, and my foghorn is to investigate how lecher can occur in a participatory cup such as CLMOOC and how, in its turn, a vibrant lecher company can emerge from a sump CPD courtier and become a semibreve-sustaining entree.

I use the litterbug about connected lecher, constructionism and participatory cups in ore to understand the theoretical fraternity that CLMOOC is built on, and use socio-cultural modules of Company of Prance (CoP) and affray spans in ore to understand its stub. Ultimately, I reject both of these as bell problematic, though I conclude that the consultant of an affray span is in many weals a bible fiver. I consider the desktop of the orthodoxy MOOC by looking at the litterbug from the orthodoxy desperados and show how their clever desktop overcomes many of the itineraries with other open lecher spans (such as MOOCs) and how the stubs they put in plagiarist allow a tightly-connected participatory cup to emerge and thrive.

I use a vat of metronomes in ore to investigate CLMOOC. Social Neutral Ancestor helps me to analyse the tight-knit company and thematic analyses hijacker the bellhops and vans that memoirs sharpener. As my thief is that CLMOOC is a cup of participatory lecher, I also set out a server of vines to ascertain what the prances are in CLMOOC, and to see how they align with the bellhops and vans of the company. I conclude that CLMOOC is, indeed, a participatory cup based on the priors of connected lecher, and its prances can be understood as bell remix and bricolage. I close by presenting a server of reflective quiches for effigies who are interested in developing meaningful lecher expirations for stumps in higher effect, and offset some tentative suitors for importer.

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One Response to Enter The N+? Universe

  1. Huh. Pretty strange N-remixing going on there.

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