Sitting on a Sunday afternoon, wondering what to do that is vaguely ETMooc2 related, I open up Chat GPT and ask it to write me a haiku about writer’s block. Then, inspired by Kevin’s blog post, I put the haiku into NightCafe and ask it to generate four images for me. I jump over to PowerPoint to add the words to the images, and upload the result to Flickr.
Then I opened up AI Test kitchen and put the prompt into that to generate some music, upload that to SoundCloud, grab the url and embed it here. All this only takes a few minutes, though I stopped to make a cuppa along the way.
I’m enjoying these experiments with ChatGPT – the difficult thing is to work out a good prompt for the AI to respond to.
I’m experimenting in a similiar way…..finding that the difficulty is getting anything interesting from a single tool. Yes, AI is playing the muse but human work needs to be done. Love your image and the feeling of the void.
Yes, the more I play, the more I realise that AI is still just a tool – a powerful tool, mind.