Predicate Calculus

Today’s Daily Create asks us to “write a poem formatted like computer code about natural networks”. As I started to think about how to do this, I wondered if a GenAI programme might help with philosophical logic, so I asked ChatGPT to give me an example of predicate calculus. Having ascertained that it could provide something meaningful, I asked it to:

“Please write the following in predicate calculus: bees drink the nectar from the flowers”

Here’s the answer

“Bees drink the nectar from the flowers” in predicate calculus, we need to define some predicates and structure the sentence properly.

Step-by-Step Breakdown:

  1. Define the predicates:
    • Let B (x) represent “x is a bee.”
    • Let F (y) represent “y is a flower.”
    • Let D (x,z) represent “x drinks z” (where x is the bee and z is the nectar).
    • Let N (z,y) represent “z is the nectar from flower y.”
  2. Express the sentence:
    • “Bees drink the nectar from the flowers” can be written as:
    • Ax Ay Az (B(x) ^ F (y) ^ N (z,y) -> D(x,z))

    This means “For all x, y, and z, if x is a bee, y is a flower, and z is the nectar of y, then drinks z.”

This formalizes the idea that bees (represented by x) drink nectar (represented by z) from flowers (represented by y).

That’s poetry to me.

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One Response to Predicate Calculus

  1. Kevin says:

    Interesting ….

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