Tiny clanger flickr photo by NomadWarMachine shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC-SA) license
Reading Jim’s recent blog post earlier got me thinking. I half typed a comment, but then Teams started lighting up with notifications and before I knew it I was engrossed in the day job. Anyway, I digress.
While I admire those who can write long, complicated blog posts, as Maren says, and Taylor notes, it’s fine to post short blog posts. So to add to the slogans for our bloggers anonymous self-help group, I’m suggesting the KISS approach to blogging. Readers will no doubt be familiar with the KISS principle (Keep It Simple, Stupid – or Keep It Simple Stupid) and this approach riffs off that. I suggest that when starting out blogging, or trying to kick start your practice, you use the KISS approach. What does this stand for? Well, when I first had the idea, this slogan came to mind:
Keep It Small, Stupid
But, of course, there can be variants. Maybe you’d like to think of it as:
Keep it Stupid Small
or maybe you prefer:
Keep It Small (and) Simple
Whatever. But just remember, small is beautiful.