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Category Archives: Critical pedagogy
Reclaiming Lurking
Lurking is a potential problem for theories of social constructivism and principles of active learning. It’s also a problem for data analytics – if the student is not VISIBLE, how do we KNOW that they are learning? The invisible are … Continue reading
Posted in #CLMOOC, #rhizo15, Academia, Critical pedagogy, Facebook, Learning, Online learning, Peer interaction, PhD, Teaching
Tagged active learning, CoP, Lave and Wenger, LPP, lurking. lurk, social constructivism
Cargo Cults
Arthur C. Clarke’s Third Law states that “any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”. I think that’s probably true of many things and not just limited to technology – that many things that others do look like magic from the outside. … Continue reading
Posted in #CLMOOC, Capitalism, Critical pedagogy, DS106, Learning, MOOC, Online learning, Peer interaction, PhD, Rhizomes, Social Media, Teaching, Technology, University
Tagged #clmooc, #DS!06, cargo cult, cMOOC, Feynman, xMOOC
Ticky-tacky feedback
I’ve had two things on my mind this week – the first is the amazing cover of Little Boxes by Walk off the Earth: (this is a serious earworm – catchy tune and lyrics which are political satire as relevant … Continue reading
Sapere Aude
In 1784 Kant asked a question: What is Enlightenment? His answer was that it was having the courage to use one’s own reason: Sapere Aude – dare to be wise. In order for this to happen, he said, we must be free … Continue reading
Posted in #MoocMooc, Critical pedagogy, Philosophy
Tagged Kant, responsibility, sapere aude
The pedagogical is always political
I grew up hearing the feminist mantra that “the personal is political” (I always misquote that, and add an “always”, maybe because I believe it needs to be emphasised). It means different things to different people, but to me it … Continue reading
Posh white boys
There’s a common assumption that there is a gender bias in STEM subjects in HE, but a recent study released in Science has discovered that this is not actually the real story, and that actually philosophy is among the five subjects with the … Continue reading
Posted in #MoocMooc, Critical pedagogy, Philosophy, University
Tagged academia, gender bias, Philosophy
Walk this way
Critical pedagogy, it is suggested, is an approach that shows, rather than tells. In a similar vein, Wittgenstein tells us don’t think, but look!1 So am I walking the way I want to walk? Are students really well advised to … Continue reading
Posted in #MoocMooc, Critical pedagogy, Learning, Teaching, Wittgenstein
Tagged Monty Python, silly walks, Wittgenstein
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