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Category Archives: Teaching
Don’t kill the messenger
It’s no surprise to find that Jeremy Hunt is talking rubbish again this week. In a Guardian article we hear that he is proposing a universal social media limit for every child. Sound good? Maybe – except that there’s no … Continue reading
Posted in Learning, Online learning, Social Media, Teaching
Tagged affinity space, community, screen time, social media, tory policy
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Cargo Cults
Arthur C. Clarke’s Third Law states that “any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”. I think that’s probably true of many things and not just limited to technology – that many things that others do look like magic from the outside. … Continue reading
Posted in #CLMOOC, Capitalism, Critical pedagogy, DS106, Learning, MOOC, Online learning, Peer interaction, PhD, Rhizomes, Social Media, Teaching, Technology, University
Tagged #clmooc, #DS!06, cargo cult, cMOOC, Feynman, xMOOC
Creative Playfulness and Convivial Interactions
I’m giving a paper at the SocMedHE conference at Sheffield Hallam this Tuesday called Creative Playfulness and Convivial Interactions in a Participatory Culture: recent findings and implications for Higher Education. It’s based on some of the findings from my PhD research … Continue reading
Posted in #CLMOOC, Learning, MOOC, Online learning, Peer interaction, PhD, Social Media, Teaching, University
Tagged #clmooc, affinity space, Community of Practice, CoP, serendipity
Ticky-tacky feedback
I’ve had two things on my mind this week – the first is the amazing cover of Little Boxes by Walk off the Earth: (this is a serious earworm – catchy tune and lyrics which are political satire as relevant … Continue reading
Learning and Meaning
I rewatched a superb TedX talk yesterday by Tesia Marshik called Learning styles & the importance of critical self-reflection. She talks about the myth of learning styles and the danger of believing in them, and it’s a powerful and persuasive critique. What … Continue reading
Posted in #CLMOOC, Learning, Online learning, Peer interaction, PhD, Teaching, University
Tagged assessment, Assessment and Feedback, feedback, meaning
With the new year comes a new challenge for me: as of 4th January I take up my new post as a Good Practice Adviser at the U of Glasgow. This is a brand new role in what will soon … Continue reading
Posted in #CLMOOC, Jigsaw Technique, Learning, Online learning, Peer interaction, Teaching
Tagged acj, interaction, jigwaw classroom, patchwork text, peer interaction, peer learning
ALT-C 2016
On Monday I travelled to Warwick Uni for the ALT-C 16 conference, which was taking place in the Warwick Arts Centre: The main purpose of the visit was to present some thoughts that Maha, Kevin and I had put together: Developing … Continue reading
Posted in #CLMOOC, #DigiWriMo, #rhizo14, #rhizo15, Conferences, MOOC, Online learning, Photos, Social Media, Teaching
Tagged #clmooc, #DigiWriMo, #rhizo14, #rhizo16, ALT-C, sculpture, Warwick University
What kind of bird are you?
I’ve been writing an application for an award on behalf of my work team this week, and as I was writing one section I found myself jokingly describing us as “wise owls, not magpies after the shiny shiny”. I was … Continue reading
#CERE16 chat
This Tuesday 22nd March, at 5-6pm GMT, Steve Draper‘s Concepts and Empirical Research in Education (CERE) course is going to be holding a Tweetchat with the hashtag #CERE16, and I’ll be facilitating. The question that we’ll be responding to is this: … Continue reading
Posted in Learning, Online learning, Peer interaction, Social Media, Teaching, Technology
Tagged #CERE16, Tweetchat, Twitter
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I know that some folk dislike the term scaffolding. For example, in a recent post Sean Michael Morris explains why he didn’t attempt to scaffold #MoocMooc, and that started a healthy debate about the metaphor. [<a href=”//storify.com/NomadWarMachine/scaffolding-use-in-moocmooc-id” target=”_blank”>View the story “Scaffolding … Continue reading
Posted in #MoocMooc, Jigsaw Technique, Learning, Online learning, Teaching
Tagged cooking, dissolvable stitches, parenting, pizza, scaffolding, stabilisers, Vygotsky