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Tag Archives: Philosophy
Creative Pedagogy
“Creativity” flickr photo by Melissa W Edwards shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC) license What do people mean when they talk about creative pedagogies? Are they talking about pedagogies that support creativity, and produce creative learners, or are they talking … Continue reading
Posted in Learning
Tagged creative pedagogy, creativity, pedagogy, Philosophy, words with different meanings
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Heidegger and Bricolage Part 2
In my earlier post I suggested that Heidegger thought of understanding as being an uncovering of meaning, and I further suggested that this is one of the things that we bricoleurs do when we mix and remix. In this post … Continue reading
How to philosophise with a hammer
A concept is a brick. It can be used to build the courthouse of reason. Or it can be thrown through the window. Deleuze and Guattari ATP p x11 At other times another means of recovery which is even more to … Continue reading
Posted in D&G, Philosophy, Writing
Tagged D&G, Deleuze, hammer, Nietzsche, Philosophy, the DAmned
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Deleuze is hard
I remember a couple of years ago, maybe during rhizo14, some people getting annoyed about Deleuze and complaining that it was hard. Well, it is – no doubt about that. I’ve spend years practicing philosophy and I still don’t find … Continue reading
Posted in #rhizo14, #rhizo15, #Rhizo16, D&G, Philosophy
Tagged D&G, Deleuze, Philosophy, pomo, Rhizome, Sokal
Old books I would not want to be without
The Daily Create yesterday was bizarre: There are only 3 tweets with this hashtag on Twitter. We found it via @mr45144 and we would love to add some #ds106 love to #OldBooksIDareNotPartWith today. Find a book you dare not part … Continue reading
Posted in D&G, DailyCreate, DS106, Philosophy, Reading, Wittgenstein
Tagged #TDC1727 #DS106 Daily Create, Books, D&G, knitting, Philosophy, Wittgenstein
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Posh white boys
There’s a common assumption that there is a gender bias in STEM subjects in HE, but a recent study released in Science has discovered that this is not actually the real story, and that actually philosophy is among the five subjects with the … Continue reading
Posted in #MoocMooc, Critical pedagogy, Philosophy, University
Tagged academia, gender bias, Philosophy
Rhizomatic mappings
Cath Ellis wrote a blog post about how the London Underground is rhizomatic. I love this and she’s right – it has multiple entry ways and no correct route. Indeed, if I am not in a hurry then I plan … Continue reading
Posted in #rhizo14, D&G, Rhizomes
Tagged #rhizo14, D&G, Great Bear, Philosophy, Simon Patterson
I have a very talented friend called Katy, who studied Philosophy at Crichton campus and heard about Wittgenstein’s duck-rabbit. Here is it from the original Philosophical Investigations II, XI (p194). Wittgenstein is talking about the difference between “seeing”and “seeing as”, (or … Continue reading
Book Lists
I’m an inveterate list maker, oft in my head, sometimes on paper, and I have a new project. A friend posted a couple of pictures to my Facebook feed, one of a book bath, one of a library, and they’ve … Continue reading